Olney Library.
Montgomery County, Maryland
Olney Library was originally constructed in 1976 and was too small, not flexible, and had an antiquated infrastructure. RRMM reprogrammed and designed an expansion that took the 15,000 SF library to 25,000 SF. The design included the demolition of one half of the library and added a significant addition, which included a new entry and children’s and young adult areas. The building design captures the building’s wood expression through the expanded use of glu-lam wood beams and deck, using a sweeping curve to direct attention to the building from a nearbly heavily traveled road. The materials that were used are an ode to Olney’s rural heritage, while the dramatic rise of the roofs and clerestory modernize the building.
Olney Library’s renovation and expansion is the winner of the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Excellence Award for the US WoodWorks Wood Design Awards. The library achieved a LEED Gold rating.